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Søkeresultat (1 / 14197)

Exchanges between Norway and Latin America to facilitating excellent joint graduate education in biodiversity genomics

Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NO)
  • Martin, Michael (mike.martin@ntnu.no)
Andre partnere:
Universidad del Rosario (CO, University)
Universidad del Valle (CO, University)
Universidad Icesi (CO, University)
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (PE, University)
Program: NORPART
Utlysning: NORPART 2021 - Application
Prosjekt ID: NORPART-2021/10475
Tildelingsår: 2021
Periode: jan 2022 - des 2026
Prosjektstatus: Aktiv
Tildeling: 9 173 097 NOK
  • Biological sciences
  • Ecology, Environmental Sciences
  • Other natural sciences
Formidling: Liste over formidlingsaktiviteter


Biodiversity loss and climatic changes are global challenges which require global cooperation in the form of knowledge transfer (teaching & research), and mobility (of biological specimens and people). This project aims to improve the quality of education, mobility and research cooperation between several Norwegian Universities (NTNU, UiB, UiO) and several partner institutions in Guatemala (UCAS: Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala), Peru (UNMSM: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos), and Colombia (UV: Universidad del Valle, UR: Universidad del Rosario, and UI: Universidad Icesi) via: (1) reciprocal mobility of staff and students, to take courses not available at home institutions, perform fieldwork, and complete research stays; (2) joint development of practical courses in cutting-edge molecular biology, genomics and bioinformatics, with the collaboration of the Norwegian Research School for BioSystematics (ForBio); (3) monthly online seminars which will promote knowledge exchange and open the possibility for collaboration; (4) MSc scholarships that will ensure internationalization of Latin American students; and (5) scientific collaboration through exchange, capacity building, and mutual involvement in research projects. Through this comprehensive scheme, Norwegian and Latin American students and staff will benefit from collaboration, increased knowledge, impacts, visibility, and reach of their research. Through mutual mobility and cooperation, our ultimate goal is to contribute towards the conservation of biodiversity and prediction of the impacts of climatic change.


Biodiversity loss and climatic changes are global challenges which require global cooperation in the form of knowledge transfer (teaching & research), and mobility (of biological specimens and people). This project aims to improve the quality of education, mobility and research cooperation between several Norwegian Universities (NTNU, UiB, UiO) and several partner institutions in Peru (UNMSM: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos) and Colombia (UV: Universidad del Valle, UR: Universidad del Rosario, and UI: Universidad Icesi) via: (1) reciprocal mobility of staff and students, to take courses not available at home institutions, perform fieldwork, and complete research stays; (2) joint development of practical courses in cutting-edge molecular biology, genomics and bioinformatics, with the collaboration of the Norwegian Research School for BioSystematics (ForBio); (3) monthly online seminars which will promote knowledge exchange and open the possibility for collaboration; (4) MSc scholarships that will ensure internationalization of Latin American students; and (5) scientific collaboration through exchange, capacity building, and mutual involvement in research projects. Through this comprehensive scheme, Norwegian and Latin American students and staff will benefit from collaboration, increased knowledge, impacts, visibility, and reach of their research. Through mutual mobility and cooperation, our ultimate goal is to contribute towards the conservation of biodiversity and prediction of the impacts of climatic change.


Biodiversity loss and climatic changes are global challenges which require global cooperation in the form of knowledge transfer (teaching & research), and mobility (of biological specimens and people). This project aims to improve the quality of education, mobility and research cooperation between several Norwegian Universities (NTNU, UiB, UiO) and several partner institutions in Peru (UNMSM: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos) and Colombia (UV: Universidad del Valle, UR: Universidad del Rosario, and UI: Universidad Icesi) via: (1) reciprocal mobility of staff and students, to take courses not available at home institutions, perform fieldwork, and complete research stays; (2) joint development of practical courses in cutting-edge molecular biology, genomics and bioinformatics, with the collaboration of the Norwegian Research School for BioSystematics (ForBio); (3) monthly online seminars which will promote knowledge exchange and open the possibility for collaboration; (4) MSc scholarships that will ensure internationalization of Latin American students; and (5) scientific collaboration through exchange, capacity building, and mutual involvement in research projects. Through this comprehensive scheme, Norwegian and Latin American students and staff will benefit from collaboration, increased knowledge, impacts, visibility, and reach of their research. Through mutual mobility and cooperation, our ultimate goal is to contribute towards the conservation of biodiversity and prediction of the impacts of climatic change.

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